"Life is so different here. It was a huge shock in the first week in a way I was not expecting, " Mrs Louwrens said from Mexico.
"I lay awake all every night worrying about everything from snakes and scorpions to being kidnapped, and during the day was so nauseous from worry I couldn't eat... but after a week that all settled down as we got a feel for the place and realised it's actually reasonably safe."
Mrs Louwrens said the traffic was "completely crazy" and the cuts of meat were all different which made grocery shopping "weird" for the first few weeks.
Doing washing or dishes took a lot longer as the water needed to be boiled by hand and when it rained the family had to get out on the roof to sweep the water off , she said.
"Our roof sags so we have to get up there and broom off hundreds of litres of water when it rains which thankfully has only been three times so far."
Mrs Louwrens had been doing an eight hour shift once a week at an orphanage.
"It houses approximately 11 special needs children ranging from completely bed-ridden to mental and physical disabilities.
"The kids and the staff are beautiful people and the staff especially were so welcoming and helpful when we arrived. It is very hard work with no breaks for eight hours but it's satisfying and I take my hat off to the other staff who do it six days a week as there are no two day weekends in Mexico.
"Other than that first week we are settling in well, enjoying Mexican life, slowly getting to know our neighbours, the sunny days, and even starting to love all the crazy bits.
"It's mostly the people, they are so beautiful and welcoming, even on the street they ask us why we are here and thank us for coming, we really look forward to getting more involved in the New Year."
To keep up with the Louwrens family, like their Facebook page: Our Mexican Adventure