Get your citizens scared, get them vaccinated, limit their personal freedoms and then you can start to control their minds. Sounds like futuristic science fiction to me. I have no idea why I'm suddenly receiving all this material but it's coming thick and fast and most of it I see is sourced from the United States.
Say no more.
Like everyone else, I have done my own reading and research on Covid-19 and now the Delta variant. I listen to the experts and I try to keep abreast of what's happening around the world. I admit I hesitated for a short while. Is the Pfizer vaccine safe, would there be side effects and what's the desirable length of time between the two jabs?
I also spoke with my doctor, who reassured me. I had my first vaccination jab last month, in September I'll get the second.
What I don't need is someone telling me I'm stupid for falling into line.
I have made my choice based on what I believe will keep me, my family and community safe. I know it will take a massive collective vaccination effort to combat the Delta variant, we are well short of where we need to be, but I don't expect anyone else to put effort into looking after themselves and those in the community without me playing my part too.
I just hope those people who are sitting back waiting, I'm not sure what for, are thinking for themselves too.
We can be easily swayed, perhaps by someone know and respect, who is plausible and sounds knowledgeable and gets in our ear. I believe this is something we have to decide for ourselves. Someone last week told me she makes up her mind based on three criteria; is it true, is it necessary and is it kind.
That's how she chooses her own course of action. Mind you, with a member of the clergy you would expect kindness, wouldn't you. I would certainly go with the first two points in weighing up whether or not to be vaccinated.
Look around the world, how well have we done so far in the last 18 months.
Sometimes I think there are New Zealanders who would have been satisfied if we had a few thousand deaths. Big numbers would have validated going "hard and early".
But because we didn't suffer big numbers "it was all a waste of time". I don't think it was and now we have to make up our own minds. It's up to us.
No one is going to force anyone to be vaccinated. We have information in front of us and experts providing all the details. We can weigh up what we want to do. To vaccinate or not. Our greatest power remains the freedom to choose. Choose wisely.
- Merepeka Raukawa-Tait is chairwoman of the Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency, a Lakes District Health Board member and Rotorua District councillor.