The proposal to return part of Matakana Island to Māori has already prompted an encouraging level of interest from people keen to have their say.
On July 28, Western Bay of Plenty District Council voted to consult on a proposal to return Panepane Point, also known as Purakau, to five Ngai te Rangi hapū. Like Mauao, the land will remain open to public access.
Submissions close at midday on Monday. All feedback on the proposal remains confidential until then.
The council's group manager of policy, planning and regulatory, Rachael Davie said: "We've been incredibly encouraged with the level of engagement both in the form of submissions received but also attendance at the four community information sessions held to date at Matakana Island, Ōmokoroa, Te Puke and Tauranga."
The last information day is being held on Thursday at The Centre - Pātuki Manawa, Katikati, from 3pm to 7pm.