It has created memories that will last a lifetime, as well as a wish list filled with places to visit and hopefully to tick off some time in the future.
When the day gets crazy, I make time to switch off and dream of exotic destinations I have never been, or places that I have seen and vowed to return to, and peaceful little hideaways without cellphone reception or Wi-Fi.
A page I discovered on Facebook recently is called 50 Shades of Amazing.
It's an awesome photo page and the pictures they post help me visualise the places I'd sometimes rather be.
Unfortunately for me, planning trips to Bora Bora, Santorini or the Maldives do not fit the budget or my schedule at this time.
The best thing to do is to look a little closer to home.
The only New Zealand photos I have seen on this page so far are shots of Hobbiton, and that's a miss in my opinion. I've been there and it's nothing more than a great-looking sheep farm that used to be a film set.
Maybe I should take the initiative and send them some links to pages that post amazing images of the New Zealand outdoors.
This summer, and I can't wait for it to arrive, I'd like to take the kids to the Coromandel for some good Kiwi camping.
A road trip along the windy, coastal roads to the East Cape is also on the list.
But, in the meantime, I am going to fill every free moment enjoying our own backyard and the rest of beautiful Tauranga.
I found a new Facebook page called Tauranga Love Notes.
In the "About" section, it says that this page is all about embracing the city we all love to work and play in, connecting our community and sharing ideas, events, and all things positive in Tauranga. The page started up at the beginning of this month and, at this stage, I have no idea who is behind it, but I think it has potential.
There is plenty of good stuff happening in our own town and it is all right here for all of us to enjoy.
Sharing this type of local positivity feels nearly as good as dreaming about trips to French Polynesia.
To the people who complain there is nothing to do in Tauranga, I'd like to say that they are wrong.
There is so much to enjoy around here, and a lot of it is free and easy to access.
Don't always rely on others, or the state of your bank balance, for your entertainment. Go out and find it.
We are blessed with a whole range of gems here in the Bay just waiting to be discovered.
When the weather is fine, get some sand between your toes or head over to Te Puna Quarry Park, the Gordon Carmichael Reserve, McLaren Falls, or any of our other parks and reserves for a walk around.
Take in the sounds of the birds. A little green space, some sunshine, and a bit of native bush could be just what you need when you feel a little uptight. It works for me.
Martine Rolls is a Tauranga writer and digital strategist -