"His health is rapidly improving," Mr Poole said.
The Bay of Plenty Times understands meeting rooms next to the council's main debating chamber now house most of the 36 staff shifted to safer parts of the building.
Mr Poole said there had been ongoing issues with leaks, especially during "adverse" weather.
The third-floor additions to the library end of the civic centre about 10 years ago had stopped those leaks to a great extent, he said.
Libraries manager Jill Best said she had not heard of any issues raised by library users since the announcement on Tuesday about the discovery of the mould elsewhere in the civic centre: "No one made the connection."
The Greerton Library was being tested because the northern wall always leaked when heavy weather came in from a particular direction. That issue will be resolved early next year when the building is demolished to make way for a $3.45 million replacement.
Ms Best said the third-storey additions to the central library had made it weatherproof after years of putting plastic sheets over book shelves and placing plastic buckets to catch the drips when the building's internal gutters failed in heavy rain.
Mr Poole said the i-Site on the corner of Willow and Wharf streets was also being checked for mould as a precaution because it was part of the council's civic centre.
Specialist advice was sought from WorkSafe and Toi Te Ora Health's Medical Officer of Health, who had confirmed that the council was responding appropriately, he said.
Remedying the toxic mould outbreak
*Remove all badly affected carpet.
*Find and eliminate the sources of moisture.
*Wash all hard surfaces with warm soapy water, and dry.
- Enviro Clean & Restoration
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