The upcoming move to Level 2 is good news for businesses and workers in the Hauraki
District, but there's still a long, hard road ahead.
To support businesses to get back to business and workers get back to work, Evolve
Hauraki has created the LoveHauraki brand and website - a one-stop shop for local
businesses to list their services, and for locals to find them.
Evolve Hauraki was formed in 2018 by Hauraki District Council, local town promotional agencies, and Te Waka (Waikato Regional Economic Development Agency), to help support local businesses to grow.
Council's Community Growth Committee chairman Ross Harris, says LoveHauraki is a
celebration of everything that's available in Waihi and Paeroa's backyard.
"We have so many amazing businesses in the Hauraki District who are always there to
support us. Now it's our turn to return the favour and shop, eat and play locally wherever
we can," he said.