If possible, we need to get it right this time.
Graeme Martin
House full
Regarding the June 12 article "Building consents surge in Western Bay but slide in Tauranga" - is it not possible that until services are in place that will accommodate this seemingly insatiable demand for more homes the FULL HOUSE sign should be erected, and council direct its energy and economy to preparing for the time when the sign could be removed in confidence.
B Anderson
Airport bus service
Great shock to read letter from Murray Grainger, BoP Times, Monday (Letters, June 17) where he says there is no bus service to our airport.
I spoke to a friend who uses the bus service in Tauranga and he confirmed this. He said he was dropped off at Hewletts Rd and had to walk to the airport carrying bags.
On his return he got a taxi to Matua which cost $43.40.
Come on regional council, Tauranga council, and Tourism BoP, are you not interested in encouraging tourists or locals to use our buses?
You can't say it's not a viable run as you don't do it, and I note half the buses on other runs are empty.
Maybe it's time you got out of your glass houses and looked at the real issues.
Peter O'Connor
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