They are not listening to any community concerns, just a done deal. The demolition is being driven from Minister Twyford's desk. The reason given is too expensive. Not true, just inventive costings to stop a project. What price for an injury or death while crossing the road? We say, keep the existing underpass and extend it.
Now, all pedestrians and cyclists will need to cross eight lanes of traffic and walk through a roundabout to get to the other side. We are very concerned for the safety of the schoolchildren, pedestrians and cyclists crossing the highway and also the delay to the traffic while the vehicles are stopped.
The existing underpass ticks all the boxes of the Labour transportation policies.
Common sense should be used here.
Philip Brown
Bayfair Underpass Alliance
Why all the reports?
Why is that every time there is problem in this country the Government calls for an independent report on the issue?
I ask:
1. What has been the cost of all these reports since they have been in power?
2. Why don't the MPs and Prime Minister have the ability themselves to work out the solutions?
After all, that is what they are paid for.
Leigh Neilson
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