Tooth decay
Regarding the article about tooth decay in children (News, October 5)
In 1935 Weston Price, a senior American research dentist, examined many hundreds of elderly Māori having grown up on their ancestral diets as well as many skulls. He essentially found no dental decay (<1:2000) compared to upwards of 40 per cent in those on the Pakeha foods of commerce based on white flour and sugar. Notably, neither those on their ancestral diet had any access to fluoride. Sugar and especially sugar-laden drinks, cause dental decay and no amount of sugar industry lobbying to promote water fluoridation will change this.
Currently, the population is already being overdosed on fluoride from tea, toothpaste and water whether drunk or used to irrigate the land. A single supermarket teabag has more fluoride than 1L of fluoridated water, and covert musculoskeletal fluorosis is widespread as I revealed in the NZ Medical Journal.
Mike Godfrey