Morally, it needs to be introduced ASAP to help families survive the impact of Covid-19. Later, when the virus has disappeared, Lotto as we know it, can simply be reset, and returned to its current format.
If you like this idea please ask your MP to support it.
Russell McKenzie
No wellness benefits to legalisation
It is criminal that Government advice on the pros and cons of legalising cannabis is non-existent and only points people to websites on the vague contents of the Bill itself.
We are not being told of consequences such as increased use, the harm caused to under-age users, marginal reduction in criminal involvement, drug driving and so on.
Think also that this is the thin end of the wedge because high-profile initiatives have popped up in the US states that have legalised dope, to now decriminalise psychedelics in the form of magic mushrooms containing psilocybin on so-called medical grounds.
There are no wellness benefits to legalisation.
Follow the money and see who will benefit and it isn't the users.
B Ingram
So much for Tauranga City Council setting the rates increase at 3.9 per cent. I have just received my rates bill, which has increased by over 8 per cent.
How does the council justify such an increase given the rate of inflation and the uncertain times that we are facing?
Steve Porter
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