But, in my view, much more important is: what is at the top of the cliff to prevent such events from marring our society and innocent people suffering horrendously?
An excellent start would be to consider that these events very seldom occurred 50 years ago, and ask what has changed since then that allows them to happen now.
G Keith Overend
The United Nations is a toothless lion
The United Nations, while a very good idea, is proving to be a toothless lion with regard in particular to the illegal invasion of Ukraine or any other international conflict.
It simply does not have the teeth to do anything to control things like that.
It is not entirely its fault, but it really should dump this veto provision for a selected few nations and make all voting a majority decision, which would be far more democratic.
D Lawrence
Plane v sheep
Sitting back, thinking about global warming and controlling carbon emissions, I have the following concerns.
When a single return flight to New York burns about 200,000 litres of fuel, how does one equate this with sheep grazing on the hill country in New Zealand?
The first one - the Government is encouraging more tourists and more flights.
The second one - the Government will be taxing farmers to discourage them from grazing the hills.
Does this make any sense to anyone?
Richard Sayer
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