Better roading choices
In regards to the $30 million upgrade of State Highway 33. This will buy a fair amount of NZTA's weapons of choice - rumble edge strip and cheese cutter barriers. State Highway 29 between Baypark and Maungatapu is undergoing work for "safety improvements" despite a perfectly functioning New Jersey-style concrete barrier. The extension to this will be an infamous wire rope confection. I believe this is preferred by NZTA because of its deterrent and punitive function. Having seen a vehicle hit this type of barrier on the Eastern Link, it does exactly what you may fear it does - namely, shreds the offending vehicle. NZTA needs to wake up to the fact that capacity improvements - dual carriageway/lane separation - are the best form of safety upgrade.
Dr Ross W Ogle Tauranga
Theatrical experience
I've just seen Blood Brothers, the musical that Stage Right Theatre Trust has chosen to launch itself as Tauranga's newest theatre company. What a dynamic and superbly performed inaugural production! Baycourt's exhibition space is transformed into an intimate theatre, and the brilliant cast, the band, and the atmosphere created by amazing lighting and scenery all combine to make it one out of the box. I can't wait to see it again, and if you love musical theatre you can't afford to miss seeing it before it closes on Saturday. Congratulations to Toni Henderson, her fellow trust members and an incredibly talented cast and stage crew for a great theatrical experience.
Maureen Guy Otumoetai