Since Christmas, at quiet times at both Elizabeth St lights, I have three times experienced having to wait while the green phasing provided for non-existent traffic on the intersecting street.
If the council can't programme these lights efficiently, what chance do we have with the many additional lights?
My prediction is just like the Greerton fiasco, Tauranga citizens with be left with a shambles.
Bill Capamagian
Don't blame the banks
As a mortgage broker of nearly 20 years' experience in Rotorua, I read with interest an article about the time it takes for banks to assess a home loan application (News, January 8).
Someone stated 30 days, another 27 days, and how banks require so much information and are declining more loans. I haven't had the same experience.
Any new conditions the banks are imposing - including making it virtually impossible for people with less than 20 per cent deposit to get a home loan - are
As for time to get a loan approved, I find the maximum is usually 7-10 days.
I believe it comes down to presenting the loan correctly, having all relevant information, including knowing what paperwork each bank requires.
Yes, it is more difficult to get a loan, but that is due to the lack of supply, and the ridiculous price of homes.
Don't blame the banks.
I hope this balances out some of the negative information about banks.
Perry Bell
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