Big Tauranga loses out to small Nelson
So, Nelson has a population of 51,400 and Tauranga has a population of 131,500 - and Tauranga has no event place big enough to hold an All Blacks game.
Looks like Tauranga is really going places.
So, Nelson has a population of 51,400 and Tauranga has a population of 131,500 - and Tauranga has no event place big enough to hold an All Blacks game.
Looks like Tauranga is really going places.
Alan Ryan
Welcome Bay
Thanks to Tommy Wilson for a very interesting comment on many facets of te reo (Opinion, September 11).
I've lived in both Hamilton (Kirikiriroa) and Greerton (Colonel Greer, Tūtarawanga), but never knew the origins.
Maybe it is time to change the names altogether to something Māori in respect of those who were here first, and who were highly involved with those Englishmen whose names we have enshrined.
I've struggled with trying to learn te reo without success, but it is pretty easy to pick up useful terms.
Joy Rising
I read with interest in the Herald on Sunday the article "Clash over top TV sports role" stating how TVNZ are reshuffling to bring in a male sports presenter, almost certainly at the expense of Abby Wilson.
It is understood to introduce gender equality.
Later in the article, it is said that "another broadcaster said there was no reason why two female presenters couldn't host the sports bulletin".
"It is 2018 after all."
That, my friend, is exactly why.
In 2010, and hopefully in 2020, no one would have given or will give a big R A, but in this particular annus, the best person for the job is not always based on professional ability.
I must say, however, that it is most unusual to have this "reversed" gender suitability an appointment factor.
Tony Kirby
The Government's decision to not proceed with the new Northern Arterial Road is going to result in further loss of life on what has already been described as one of the most dangerous stretches of road in the country.
In my view, any future deaths, therefore, can be attributed to this decision and it appears that whilst the Government is prepared to use our road user taxes on supporting rail and buses, mainly in Auckland, the rest of the country is going to just miss out.
Mike Baker
Judge: He took advantage of the kindness of a former employer and then stole from them.