I am always concerned when the council states that things are being funded by council when the correct wording is ratepayers, as they are the ones paying and I am extremely disappointed that ratepayers are required to contribute anything to this particular event.
Roll on an election and hopefully better days along with better financial controls.
Mike Baker
A place to visit, not a ghost town
I see Tauranga City Council is having a cocktail party to celebrate achievements and progress in the city.
How can the council celebrate empty shops, lost carparks and horrendous prices to park in carpark buildings.
I love going to movies at Luxe Cinema in the city. I have seen three great movies in five weeks. The cost for parking was $29 but I did go out to lunch after one movie.
The bus service from Ōmokoroa is not convenient as I shop in Bethlehem on the way home. Not worth going shopping after a movie as hardly any shops in city.
Make the city a place to visit - not a ghost town.
Wendy Galloway
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