We are still looking after the same people we were five years ago, as are many organisations.
It would've been encouraging to see a more solutions-based approach investigated and promoted.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and in partnership with the Crown, should always be central to decisions made about land use, exploring models which uphold these obligations should be paramount.
Any houses built are homes for people, whether they are privately owned after vacating rentals, or whether they are Crown- or tangata whenua-owned.
Pip Brook
Secretary, Street Kai
Enough white elephants
I disagree with Iona W about wanting a museum (Premium debate, April 9).
A referendum rejected it mainly because it will be another cost to ratepayers and most don't want one.
Anyone who goes to museums goes there basically for a pittance payment to fill in time, and that is why we don't want it.
Why should we pay again for another blowout as it will turn out to be?
Graham Holloway
Gate Pa
Drop the fighting talk
"Racecourse battle" in big, bold print on the front page of Friday's Bay of Plenty Times. "Treaty threat" underneath.
This is fighting talk that reminds me of the battle at Pukehinahina, Gate Pa. That was also a battle for land.
Meantime, Europe at war – again - is suffering the catastrophic effects of such talk embedded in global culture centuries ago and still alarmingly active.
Surely in this day and age, learning from the disastrous consequences of such fighting talk, this community, led by the enlightened example of the local press, could remind citizens of the processes of peace.
The matter of the future of the racecourse could be decided by exploration of options, negotiation, recognition of interests and other co-operative means.
Please, Bay of Plenty Times, watch your words.
In this day and age we do not need any more fighting talk.
Mary Rose
Equal retirement for all
Wairiki MP Rawiri Waititi wants the pension age lowered to 57 for Māori.
In my view, this is dividing cultures and our country.
We are a country of many cultures so we should all be treated equally.
Do the mahi and retire at the same age.
Viv Radley