I would also like to see this paper run a competition and award a prize for the most plastic bags picked up from our main beach. Then we will know what we are up against, eh?
Maurice Mckeown
Welcome Bay
Free speech
I am a bit too young to remember some of the events Rosemary McLeod refers to in her attack on Don Brash (Opinion, August 10).
Even she should be aware that the reason for the change in our society, from what she says Don Brash would like, is because various groups of whatever persuasion were able to speak freely and convince the public and parliament of their merits.
Free speech and the exchange of ideas won the day. Ideas that were outlandish or stupid fell by the wayside – fortunately.
That is why dictatorships like China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia etc censor the internet and the press, to kill the idea of freedom.
To be so disparaging to Don when he is speaking, because he is elderly, is just plain rude; and for some of the elderly people I know, all too common.
I take notice of Rosemary because in the past she has written very good and insightful articles. Now they are just spiteful.
However, I shall listen to the elderly regardless of their gender – I might learn something.
Andrew Austin