If there is any doubt about mental competency, a psychiatrist must be called in to assess.
In my view, there is clear evidence that this law reform is needed. Palliative care doesn't suffice in some cases – palliative care itself acknowledges that.
Surely only religion could cause an MP to reject this safe, sensible bill that has been scrutinised for over two years. But, in my opinion, religious conviction is not a good enough excuse for cruelty. MPs should stop the cruelty and vote Yes at third reading.
Esther Richards
Tauranga South
Fireworks had their day
I totally agree with Lizzie Marvelly regarding Guy Fawkes having had its day.
I would like to see the sale of fireworks banned in New Zealand and have public displays only at Matariki and maybe New Year's Eve.
I dislike having to put up with fireworks in our neighbourhood going off most nights from now till New Year and beyond.
This morning someone was letting off fireworks at 4am. Not what I want to wake up to.
Gerardine Patterson
Mount Maunganui
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