Party leadership
Does party leadership depend on who promises what to who?
Just wondering.
A.D. Kirby
School buses are a subject of contention among some readers. Photo/file
Does party leadership depend on who promises what to who?
Just wondering.
A.D. Kirby
I love the idea of free buses, my children always take the bus where possible. Better still I like the idea of a park and ride for commuters, not only for Welcome Bay and Ohauiti commuters but what about a park and ride – for car poolers as well at The Lakes?
People are always looking to park and share a ride at the side of the entrance to the Lakes (I do it myself to catch a lift with a friend to go for dinner in downtown Tauranga) before a no stopping and no parking sign was displayed.
Ever wondered why so many cars are parked across the road from Tauriko service station?
People are trying to car pool over the Kaimais. However, there is now a dotted yellow line there as well to stop that.
So what a great idea for The Lakes having a place to park so they can car pool for travel to Rotorua, Hamilton, Mount Maunganui and downtown Tauranga. Keeping all our roads less busy.
Chris Maddison
Charmain Brown's letter to the editor [February 26] expresses my opinion entirely.
It was with disbelief when I read last week that the majority of councillors had supported to delay the building of the proposed museum in Tauranga, by spending thousands of dollars on a referendum to determine the public views.
Of course there are many nay-sayers regarding a cultural hub in our city.
I don't wish ugly carpark buildings, widened roads and more roundabouts as I can walk, ride a bicycle or travel on public transport, but these are part of the growing metropolis.
Equally important is the soul of a city, harbouring our unique history and allowing a plethora of displays to fascinate and educate.
I would agree with Charmain that this decision displays a weakness in our leaders to allow our growing city to mature.
Jennifer Glausiuss
One of the main roads into Tauranga will be closed for five nights next week.