Buses should be limited to arterial routes, a reader says. Photo / George Novak
I was dismayed to see my regional council rates assessment for this year. Not only had it increased by some 15% but it was accompanied by a few threats for non or late payment.
I did notice that the Passenger Transport charge has increased. That is despite the fact the
council claims that the number of passengers is increasing. How could that be? Is it a mistake? Who knows.
I believe that there are about 56,000 rateable homes in Tauranga, I have to assume they each are rated about $300 annually for Passenger Transport. Without including commercial properties etc, that comes to roughly $17m! $46,000 daily.
Add to that the amount central government pays for non-paying passengers and the small amount from paying passengers and what do we get? I’ll let everyone answer that.
My advice is to limit the bus service to arterial roads only and the number of buses to half hourly or less. Only increase the service when the demand is guaranteed and let the service provider take the risks.