Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks to media during a press conference at Parliament. Photo / File
I am not a Labour supporter but I do support the Prime Minister's insistence people show they are mature enough to handle a scale down to Level 2 on [the] 11th.
The decision however is nothing to do with the Government, the decision is fairly and squarely in our laps.
As of this Saturday morning, people have failed to do so and until, as a nation we can abide by a set of life rules we will be treated like a pack of naughty children and be kept in after school until we have finished our work.
Let's grow up people and forget about our own selfish interests and think of the good of the whole school and the sweetie reward that is at the end of it all.
So I drink, water of course, to the school being allowed in the playground of level 2 on time.