Intersection blockers
We are all aware of the traffic congestion on 15th Ave/Turret Rd onwards, especially at peak traffic hours. I know the frustration felt by drivers driving into the CBD. I wish to highlight the anti-blocking rule at intersections which is in the Road Code but which seems to be ignored by or is oblivious to some drivers. It is simple: You must not go into or attempt to cross the intersection unless there is space for your vehicle on the other side of the intersection. On Thursday there was gridlock on the 15th Ave/Cameron Rd intersection. Several drivers saw a green light as go, but did not consider at all if they had space to exit and clear the intersection. With their cars blocking the road no one could move. Gridlock. Please be aware of this rule.
Anthony Page
Reasons for roads
Recent letters have criticised the building of the Eastern Arterial Link instead of the Northern Link to Waihi. The Eastern Link is a rare case of infrastructure being built before the development, and usually we applaud such foresight. Tauriko Industrial Estate is reaching the end of the project and the next big industrial estate is at Rangiuru, which will need the road to communicate with the port. In addition, massive amounts of housing is being built in Papamoa East right now and once the interchange is in place, these new residents will be major users of the road even with having to pay a toll. I understand NZTA is slow to develop the northern link because it wants to discourage heavy transport from using SH2 to Auckland. It would prefer all heavy transport to go over the Kaimais to Auckland, a longer route and involving a steep climb using more diesel and road user charges. A four-lane road to Waihi would encourage more heavy transport to use SH2 and then the already dangerous Karangahake Gorge would become a real death trap. It cannot be upgraded, so a whole new road to bypass the gorge would be needed at enormous expense. I think we are stuck with piecemeal improvements to SH2 for the near future at least.
Alan Dickson