Just think, in the not too distant future, families will call up an Uber van, zip off to Mount beach for a swim and picnic, no need to worry about parking; door to door no worries. And goodness gracious no congestion, more space for people. Please understand Laurie and your friends, rejoice in the fact every cyclist on the road means there is one less vehicle.
Don Hoult
Battle continues
In the past couple of weeks I have read letters about the abortion issue and the proposal to have abortions moved from a "criminal issue" to a "health issue".
Having fought long and hard for the decriminalisation of abortion in my younger days, I am saddened to read the same old arguments and stance from the "right to life" camp.
It proves to me that women must always continue the vigilance to ensure hard-won battles are not eroded and that the men who have had those letters published are confined to an ever-diminishing minority.
Margaret Rowland
Pyes Pa
Straw straws beat plastic
On the subject of plastic, which seems topical at the moment, I am somewhat bemused by the loathing of plastic straws. Not to say I disagree with that, quite the contrary.
There does, however, seem to be a popular quandary as to how we replace them and paper has been suggested. A reasonable substitute but at what cost to the environment in the production?
When I was a lad a straw was just that, a little pipe made from the stalk of a cereal plant - straw. Yes, just a piece of user-friendly vegetation that was the byproduct of something just as useful so let's not kid ourselves any longer and get back to basics and use straws, the real ones which didn't hurt anything.
On that note, glass milk bottles might help too.
Richard Lacey