I read with interest your article regarding the suggestion the Government should pay for some Maori funerals (News, September 18).
The argument was for kaumatua because they were somehow more entitled than other Māori or indeed any other New Zealand citizen.
The fact that some Māori die earlier than some non-Māori and that they should be compensated because they won't draw as much pension as other non-Māori is in my view disturbing to say the least.
The question of some Māori dying earlier should be looked at more from a health perspective rather than yet another race-based payment.
I'm sure there are statistics out there that would show the reasons why they die at an earlier age.
W Keen
Global warming
Thank you, Rob Rattenbury for your balanced column about Covid-19 (Opinion, September 21).
As you say, life is not going to be the same. Scientists are telling us there will be more pandemics. They tried to warn us about this one but no one was listening.
This could be the time to stop using the term ''tourism'' and replace it with ''diversify''.
To those clinging to the old-world order: there has been a shift in the earth's axis. In all of this, global warming has been given a back seat.
Let's hope as soon as the election is over it will be given its rightful place again. Covid will eventually run its course.
Global Warming is the thing which will kill us and our grandchildren if it is not made front and centre in every decision we make - especially politicians.
Lesley Haddon
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