Pāpāmoa Beach
Why no toll on billion-dollar road?
A short article last week mentioned the new Transmission Gully road in Wellington.
I recently travelled on this, and it was a pleasure - it's a great surface and there's lovely scenery not seen before.
My question to the transport officials is - how can you justify no toll on a new road costing $1.25 billion (plus, of course, the $337,000 spent on its opening ceremony) when we are charged $2.10 each way on the Tauranga Eastern Link road that cost $455 million?
We are also tolled on the road into Tauranga central - a double whammy.
Iris Jillett
Pāpāmoa Beach
Emergency services support needed
At some point in every life, the support of the nurses, firefighters, doctors and police will be essential.
This is why it is so important that we look after these services and the men and women who put their lives on the line 24 hours a day 365 days of the year - without fear or favour.
I have known members of all these professions and I know full well the sacrifices they have to make, the risks they take daily to put our lives back together when broken.
We all owe these people and we should see that they are suitably rewarded.
We need them 10 times more than politicians.
Jim Adams
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