With Tauranga City Council having another go at making a plan for the development of a block of public land in the CBD (News, September 9), why not create a park on the land that has a car parking building which cannot be used, get it pulled down and a
Letters to the editor: Defunct carpark should be made into a park
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A reader has an idea for a park in Tauranga's CBD. Photo / File
I wonder if this will be like the "green space" (concrete) that was developed over at Mount Maunganui?
Steve Porter
Welcome Bay
Public holidays
I had a thought the other day around the discussion and now the promise of yet another public holiday in the form of Matariki, the Māori new year.
Many employers are quite rightly crying foul in that this becomes yet another cost in an already burdened commercial scene.
Not only does it mean a paid holiday for staff but of course there's no production and can therefore be seen as a double whammy on their bottom line.
A justifiable grump I'd have thought because many people struggle with already pared returns due to Covid shutdowns.
How about we swap the Christmas two-day break for Matariki?
I hear howls from many sides but let's consider for a moment.
In the week after Christmas, we observe the New Year's entrance and get a couple of days for that and the prolonged Christmas/New Year break is often considered an annoying disruption to economic activity.
Paul tells us in Romans 14 not to be concerned about observing particular days but to allow those who do to live in accordance with their personal convictions.
John Williams
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