Lots of these statements also prolong our lockdowns by waking up the idiots in the population who will believe anything, especially if a national figure such as a politician is making them.
Alister Blair
Government cares more about itself than us
First, it was for three days, now we have our third lockdown extension to September 1. Why? Because the Government is so wedded to its elimination strategy that it dares not think of anything else, particularly its responsibility for the slow vaccination of New Zealanders.
Similarly, its advisers dare not recommend any relaxing of the stringent rules, so they avoid being blamed if events later prove they were a wrong move.
Yet Tauranga, and Bay of Plenty, have not had any positive tests.
There is no reason why our lockdown could not have been relaxed last Friday, August 27. Four days wasted unnecessarily.
Why are we being treated the same as Coromandel, exposure but no cases, and Wellington, in spite of a few positives?
The answer is the Government cares more about itself than the massive setbacks we locked-up citizens and businesses face.
Bill Capamagian
The problem caused by relaxed entry rules
There are two reasons why Auckland is under lockdown for longer and they are that the Government was stupid relaxing entry rules, and those in Auckland who don't behave and travel to their holiday homes - and the rest of New Zealand has paid the price.
Graham Holloway
Gate Pa
Afghani rescues a moral responsibility
It is the moral responsibility of this country to retrieve and bring to this country the Afghani interpreters and all others who fought on our side in that country in the recently suspended campaign.
Failing our ability to bring them directly to this country, it is our Government's responsibility, on behalf of us all to get them from Afghanistan to the safety of another country, albeit on a temporary basis.
The fact that our country was slow to accept its moral responsibility to retrieve them is not the fault of our friends in that country.
A.D. Kirby
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