Our society needs to crack down hard on all illegal drug consumers but at the same time give every assistance to those who on their own initiative wish to reform.
We should apply the same philosophy to those who consume legal drugs to excess, the principal one being alcohol.
Bill Capamagian
Police should show presence
It is with great concern that I read about a serious assault at the Willow St bus interchange with seemingly little or nothing done to stop this assault.
The police station is some 300m along the road.
Police should drive along Willow St and show some presence, and take these youths home to their parents or arrest them.
How is the council going to protect the proposed $349m-plus refreshed civic precinct from out-of-control, unruly people who frequent this area now?
The artist impressions I have seen show only families enjoying the open spaces.
Grahame Benvie
Act now as sea levels rise
We hear from research scientists that sea level rise could hit parts of New Zealand twice as quickly as expected due to the movement of tectonic plates.
Basically, as the land goes up and down, which we know it does, the sea level rise due to climate change has a much bigger and more alarming effect than initially thought.
So, for example, hundred-year floods could be annual in places.
What does this mean for the Bay of Plenty? Two things – action to reduce climate change and building climate change resilience should be front and centre of everything we do. No greenwashing, no procrastination, acting now.
This could not be spelled out any bolder for us.
Kat Macmillan
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