Keep cannabis illegal.
I Clayton-Bray, clinical psychologist
NZ has much to offer
Bryan Gould's October 6 opinion column, partly headlined: Managing the economy, raises many important aspects that are so often overlooked or taken for granted, and especially so during this election period when it's combined with the challenging pandemic threatening our normal world, along with global warming, fires, floods among other inequalities.
But by his adding this addition to the headline: - but in whose interest? provides the critical question that identifies the understanding needed if we're going to really address the causes behind all these inherited challenges, that I believe we'd over generations been unconsciously fostering.
Understanding that our species as just one of a myriad of others occupying our planet, forming its closed system with their dependence on each other; the understanding that all our young inherit human and social potentials which when fostered from their first experiences establishes the foundation as the basis of all their future interaction with other species; so overcoming the greedy, selfishness and desire for power and control from the also inherited animal and survival instincts, that are increasingly dominant today.
Our success combating Covid 19, the continuing critical efforts of volunteers, the increasing acceptance of laws and requests, indicate to me that New Zealand has much to offer for a better future to earth if encouraged.
Hugh Hughes
Mount Maunganui
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