Museum cabinets could be furnished with themed displays, local history, Māori art,
early explorers.
Library staff could display the appropriate books and other relevant information nearby,
to encourage the public to take an enthusiastic interest in the combined display.
Quietly, in the background, an audio-visual could add to the interest without having
to build a museum until you really need one.
It's the unseen items that always make museums so costly. Fees to be paid for invited guests, or asking for cultural, historical and art displays to be shipped from overseas,
are a nightmare even for well-established museums.
I wish the council every success in establishing the new CBD.
Russell McKenzie
Shout-out to the crew
A big shout-out and thank you to the road crew working on Poripori Road.
I drive a school bus up there, and the run requires that I stop, do a U-turn and pick up students inside the actual Stop-Go repair zone.
I'm also required to try and stay on time, as one bus delayed becomes four buses delayed from the transit point.
The road crew always try not to hold me up, which is appreciated.
This morning they spotted two students who were caught in the stopped queue at the far end and were about to miss the bus.
The road crew stopped all the machines and my bus, allowing the boys to sprint after me.
Naturally, I threatened the boys with 10 press-ups so it won't happen again.
Again, thank you for a job well done in all weather.
Graham Crooks
Pyes Pa
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