Regarding the three lanes being viable for Hairini Bridge (News, December 7), I think it is putting a bandage on the problem.
Let's start the ball rolling now to do the job properly and build another two lane bridge to sit beside the existing two lanes at Hairini St, and four lane all the way to Cameron Rd, and put in proper cycleways.
The council should spend the money now to do the job properly. It will never be cheaper than today. How much money is currently wasted on fuel alone by everyone sitting in traffic for an extra 45 minutes per day?
If the whole project costs $80 million then it is a 10-year payback for the economy. Less if you add the value of time and cost of lost opportunity to do other things.
Come on council – add to the good work being done on the flyovers at the Mount – let's make Tauranga move again. (Abridged)