As was what happened with the previous government.
That's how politics works in Tauranga.
Steven Cole
Welcome Bay lane
May I suggest that acting general manager of infrastructure Martin Parkes scraps his traffic modelling (News, May 11) which, clearly, in my view, doesn't work.
Does he still think that closing Welcome Bay Lane will have "little impact on traffic congestion"?
Before the lane was closed it was easy to get out of Welcome Bay in the mornings.
Now it is a complete nightmare and has been ever since the lane was closed.
Maybe he should get out of his office more and come and see the real effects of this ludicrous decision.
We've now had nearly eight months of prevarication when the solution is simple - make the cycle lane go up Welcome Bay Lane. This is where cyclists used to go.
Steve Porter
Welcome Bay
Bring back trains
Use the rail again. Trains, trains glorious trains. Those old carriages were amazing. Where are they? Bring them back.
Selina Elvin
Te Puna
Signs for cyclists
The road engineers in their wisdom have thought up another plan for the Welcome Bay Lane and it will only cost $80,000!
They seem to think that the few cyclists who use Welcome Bay Rd and the tunnel are intellectually challenged and lack the common sense to make basic safety decisions for themselves.
Wouldn't it be far cheaper to put a large sign or several of them as you near the lane, saying "Cyclists slow down and, if veering right, give way to vehicular traffic"?
Lyn and Paul Marston
Welcome Bay
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