Maori ward unnecessary
The committee of the Western Ward Residents and Ratepayers Association is concerned that Western Bay District Council is supporting a recommendation that could end up guaranteeing Maori representation on Western Bay of Plenty Council (News, November 21). Maori already have adequate representation through the two partnership forums. They can also stand for general ward seats as well as for community boards. Maori are just as able to get elected to local bodies as they are to central government, where almost a quarter of MPs in this Parliament are Maori. This includes the deputy leaders of both National and Labour, and the leader and deputy leader of New Zealand First. We are also concerned that Maori wards are always referred to as plural. If there were to be two Maori wards, there would need to be 14 councillors representing general wards to achieve equal representation. That means a huge increase in costs for a council that already charges the highest rates in New Zealand.
K R Hay, secretary
Waihi Beach
Another Americanism
I am bemused as to why we have been hearing advertisements for Black Friday sales. For the last 73 years to my knowledge, Black Friday was when a Friday fell on the 13th day of the month. Upon checking with Mr Google I find that Black Friday in America is the shopping day after Thanksgiving. Since we do not celebrate Thanksgiving in New Zealand, why are we having another Americanism forced upon us? Already we have had Valentine's Day and Halloween pushed by the commercial world until it is now accepted as the norm. We could just be New Zealanders, couldn't we? And allow America to celebrate whatever they wish without copying everything they do?
Gail Webster