Another war
Are we about to have another war? Previous wars have been started by lies – North Vietnam fired upon an American warship in the Gulf of Tonkin – no proof, we all bought it - hence the Vietnam War that killed and destroyed the lives of millions of people but was good for business.
Sadam Hussein has nuclear weapons of mass destruction. We can't find them, we have no proof but believe us – hence the Iraqi war. Again millions of people are killed and/or lives destroyed. Relics of past civilisation destroyed but it's good for business.
A former Russian/British double agent is reported to have been attacked on British soil by Russia with a chemical weapon in the form of a nerve gas. Again no proof and refusal to supply evidence. What happened to law and justice?
Dozens of countries have taken retaliatory action against Russia (by free choice or coercion?) bringing us closer to war. This is a diversion because Brexit is going badly, the American Petrodollar is under attack by China, Iran, Venezuela, Brazil and Russia.
The Syrian war is going badly and the Israelis and Americans want the oil resources found beneath the occupied Golan Heights and regime change. All bad for business – we need another war.
Pete Dolden
In defence of the museum plan
In response to my letter about New Plymouth's great art gallery and museum, etc, Gary Horan's comment (Letters, April 5) that we wouldn't want to spend upwards of $4 million a year running a museum is a predictable response from someone who is against Tauranga having a museum.
Tauranga could have a modest facility with well-planned and lower running costs that could be a source of pride for the city that has so little to boast about. Where does Mr Horan get his information that (quote) 'most of us still don't want a museum'? We haven't completed the referendum yet.
The council plans to spend mega amounts on upgrading Kulim Park with plans designed by Auckland consultants (we met them at the open day) who understand little or nothing of what Tauranga needs and, incidentally, have allowed for only 26 car park spaces to boot. The only thing I can see that Kulim Park needs is a sea wall. Everything else is just expensive fancy tinkering with a park that is adequate as it is.
I can enjoy Kulim Park any time, upgraded or not. I can't visit a museum without travelling some distance from here.
Maureen Guy
Museum positive
On a return visit to Taranaki earlier this week it was of considerable interest to note that even the small township of Mokau has a museum and an art gallery as one of its attractions.
Such positivity enabled me to decide my course of action on our current referendum.
Ray Malcolm.
Mount Maunganui
Give team a break
I am amazed at the criticism aimed at our netball team.
Of course, they are doing their very best and are uber proud to be wearing their black kit.
How rude to think or even suggest otherwise. But players, coaches, funding, fitness, strategies, etc, change for our team as well as for others. We are dreaming if we think our sports teams that have won gold before must stay at the top.
Be realistic - give them a break. I do wish them every success.
Mark Windsor
Welcome Bay
NZ is racist
Taika Waititi (News, April 10) is right, New Zealand is racist and it's getting worse. Article 3 of the Treaty granted equality of citizenship but we now have demands for separatist Maori wards and councillors voting for them without community support.
Iwi were funded $4 million to commemorate the NZ Wars. The descendants of the approximately 1000 British soldiers and militia killed were never involved or consulted.
We have around 600 claims by Maori for exclusive rights to every millimetre of NZ coastline and seabed, with income potential and exclusion rights.
University academics now have to gain approval from a Maori committee to embark on a research project. The qualification to be on the committee is not having relevant scientific skills and knowledge but rather being of Maori heritage.
Recently we had the unedifying sight of Tangata Whenua trying to muscle Tauranga councillors to accept only the Cliff Rd site for the proposed museum and so deny community input into the decision making.
When one group of people demand special rights and privileges solely on the basis of race, and others push back against that sense of entitlement, you tell me, Mr Waititi, which group is being racist.
Richard Prince
Welcome Bay