Hodgkiss' suggestion for a slow and steady approach to the necessary change might have worked if we had started 30 years ago.
Now the best official forecast is that globally we have 11 years in which to reverse the trend of increasing carbon emissions to minimise future catastrophe.
It is now urgent that governments and corporations act to save the planet. That has not been happening fast enough.
Hence the actions around the globe by people willing to put themselves on the line in non-violent, disruptive actions.
Let's unite behind the science.
Mary Rose
Well-earned recognition for foster home carers
Well done for highlighting Robin and Kahu Grace, foster home carers for Oranga Tamariki (News, October 12).
Oranga Tamariki foster carers do not receive pay or donations, and only get a small boarding allowance per child.
Their foster children are not labelled for public information. Oranga Tamariki cannot select which young people they will take on – whatever the need is, they have to provide for it.
The foster parents are sometimes in family homes, with many others in their own homes, with their own families and jobs, with a foster child as part of their family. There is seldom any publicity and no asking for money.
Foster parents, such as Robin and Kahu Grace, are needed.
Well-earned recognition and public acknowledgement.
Graham Macgregor
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