Mano David
Fewer planner needed
During the early 1950s it used to take two hours on a metal road to drive from Athenree to Tauranga.
During that decade the National Roads Board undertook a massive upgrade so that on a good run the time was reduced to 45 minutes. The NRB later became Transit which was more independent.
Today the layout is unchanged with some minor improvements but massive congestion caused by population increase.
The 2017 elections saw the National Party's significant upgrade canned due to the Labour Government spending money elsewhere, plus the changes in the NZ Transport Agency which has moved away from being basically responsible for roads to all sorts of wishy-washy subjects which sound good but mean nothing in terms of fixing basic transport problems.
Even Tauranga City has its roading upgrade plans canned by NZTA's seat warmers in Wellington because apparently, we don't give enough consideration to buses, bikes and pedestrians. I am not saying that these matters are unimportant.
The best thing we can do is to abolish the NZTA entirely and bring back Transit with a new team. An observation from a friend of mine is that our roads need more engineers and fewer planners. This type of approach could be applied to many aspects of our society.
Bill Capamagian
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