'Te Papa' in name exacerbates issues
The Phoenix Park debacle is further exacerbated by Council's decision to use "Te Papa" in the new name against the wishes of ward councillors (Leanne Brown, Steve Morris) and the Mayor.
While the renaming of Phoenix Park is not a required "notifiable" issue, the name (Te Papa o Ngā Manu Porotakataka) creates confusion since the CBD is in the "Te Papa/Welcome Bay" ward, which has no connection with the Mount.
If the council insists on giving Phoenix Park a Māori name, a more relevant selection of names should be proposed to the Mount residents.
Max Lewis
Mount Maunganui
Horticulture industry needs help
On the television news I saw and heard Minister Shane Jones look straight down the barrel of the camera and tell the orchardists to stop expecting the Government to solve their problems, and that they should have better forecasting of seasonal needs.
It seems to me the Minister is becoming famous for his after-dinner speaker one-liners.
Does he remember his line that his "naughty nephews" would make up the labour shortage? It didn't quite happen that way with planting trees in his own electorate, did it?
Minister, I suggest that before you infer that the industry gets its act together, you look at your own actions and get on and do the job that taxpayers generously pay you to do and assist the horticultural industry.
A D Kirby
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