In my view, spending public money on private enterprise is wrong. A precedent has been set. Every panhandler from miles around will be rubbing their hands with glee.
I congratulate the four councillors and mayor who had the good sense and decency to vote against it.
David Medhurst
Underpass cost
The speculative $13+ million cost to install a brand-new underpass under Maunganui Rd from Matapihi Rd accessing Bayfair Centre defies belief.
The existing underpass installed around 20 years ago costing $500,000 had residents' full support and works well currently for the very limited use it gets by pedestrians and cyclists.
The reason floated why existing underpass cannot remain is said to be the proximity of a new pylon, well common sense and practical solution is move the pylon slightly or simply work around it because that won't cost a fraction of $13m.
This aberration has come about because of whingeing from the deluded lycra-clad brigade.
The general public is gobsmacked so stop this insanity dead in its tracks and reassess the whole situation on a practical cost-effective basis and NZTA face financial reality for once please.
NZTA needs to pull its head in because ain't their money and if it was, we wouldn't face this fiscal lunacy.
The Minister of Transport needs to step in and stop this farce now. What's more, TCC have no business becoming involved with millions of ratepayers' dollars wasted on this thing.
For a cheaper cost, the Windermere over-pass scenario would suffice perhaps by being attached to main overpass structure.
S. Paterson
Highway upgrades
The State Highway 2 safety upgrades between Waihi and Te Puna have been announced.
Details on the NZTA website show a wide centreline, wide shoulders, roadside barriers and more lane paint to make intersections safer.
The wide centreline is a 1.5m painted strip not a centreline barrier to prevent the dreaded head on crashes.
There is no mention of widening those scary narrow bridges nor details of how safe bus stops will be provided for the bus service now operating but not able to stop to pick up passengers.
David Riley
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