Room 8
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday [June 12] evening at school an arsonist set the Life Ed van on fire. I feel angry and sad. I think he should come to the school and say why he did it and pay for the Life Ed van.
Daniel James Cammock Wood
Room 8
Dear Editor,
I feel really sad and gutted that the Life Education van was burnt in a fire. I think that the teenager that did it should be fined so that the money he paid can be donated to Michael and Harold. I hope that he stays in jail forever because we didn't get to do our second lesson in Harold's cool and amazing van. He should be ashamed of himself because really he destroyed all the fun and all of our learning. He should come to our school and explain in a speech why he burnt down the Life Education van. We need to let him know how we feel about our learning being absolutely destroyed.
Yours sincerely
Mykky Walker
Room 8
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday [June 12] the Life Education van got set on fire by an arsonist. I think that the person who burnt down the Life Education van should go to jail for his whole life. I felt angry and sad at the same time. I felt like crying. But I'm really glad that Harold is safe at home with Michael and did not get burnt in the fire.
Room 8
Dear Editor,
When I got to school on Tuesday [June 12] I saw that the Life Ed truck caught on fire because arsonists set it on fire. Everyone was upset because the Life Ed truck was burnt so nobody could go into the Life Ed truck to learn anymore. We got one session in the van but the fire happened that night so we missed out on our next session. I felt sad and it looked disgusting. It wasted police time because they had to waste their time guarding the scene.
Ben, Room 8
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday [June 12] evening there was a disaster with the Life Ed van which was parked at Brookfield School because it was set on fire by an arsonist but the arsonist was caught by the police. And I think the arsonist should pay $500,000 to the Life Ed Trust too and come to our assembly with the whole school and tell us why he burnt the Life Ed van down and then he go to jail for his whole life.
Liam, Room 8
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday [June 12] evening there was a 17-year-old boy who blackened up the Life Education van by setting it on fire and it was smoky!
I feel really upset about that because that was the only Life Education van that we can have for the year. There goes our learning about body parts out the window. Now it's payback time, I think that we should make him come to the Monday assembly so the whole school knows who it was and the teachers should make a speech and he replies if they give questions and I also think that he should go to jail for about 2 months. But the van can go to the dump because it's no use. I also think he should pay most of the money and we fundraise the rest to go towards buying a new van.
No name, Room 8
Dear Editor,
It was a sad, sad day. No more Life Ed. Only our school misses out. Some offender who was an arsonist set it on fire. The whole thing was burnt too. Nothing could be replaced but Harold is safe. That is great but the Life Ed van is not okay. The offender is a teenager, he is 17 years old. I think he should stay in jail for ever and have no food for a week. He doesn't deserve food. He ruined kids fun. He should come to our school and apologise to our school. If he does apologise it will shame him out. I bet Harold is sad and Michael too. But that's all I can say. Thank you reading about how I feel.
Tiani, Room 8,
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday [June 12] an arsonist set fire to the Life Ed van and I really wanted to do Life Ed Part 2. I think he should go to life sentence in prison for burning down the Life Ed mobile classroom and I also hate him. I think he is stupid and I think he should never come out of prison. I don't like him because he made Life Ed trust have to buy a new Life Ed mobile classroom and I didn't get to learn more quality's of a friend.
Jamie, Room 8
Dear Editor,
My dad heard the sound of fire engines. He wondered where there was a fire. He looked around and then he saw the fire engines at our school. My dad thought the school was on fire, instead it was the Life Ed van on fire and this guy said he was walking up the hill and it burst into flames and so he then called 111. The paper man said, "Do you know what happened?" My dad said, "Talk to these people here". When we were leaving to go home we saw the police turn up to school. I had spoken to the person who had done it and I didn't know at the time.
Matt, Room 8,
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday [June 12] evening an arsonist set the Life Ed truck on fire on purpose. We only had one session with Harold. Harold is okay because he went home. I feel sad about this.
Brooklyn, Room 8
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday [June 12] evening there was a massive fire at Brookfield Primary School. What happened was a 17-year- old teenage boy set the Life Ed van on fire and called the fire department and the police. He stood close enough for the police to see him and the fire department came and put out the fire. But sadly Brookfield School cannot have Harold and Michael come for anymore lessons until next year. My opinion is that it is not fair for Brookfield School to have no more Harold and Michael this year. I think that the arsonist should pay for the new Life Ed van. I felt really angry and disappointed because Room 8 did not get to see Part of our learning programme. I was really looking forward to seeing Part 2 because Michael said it was going to be awesome and fun.
Yours sincerely, Emily Preece, Room 8
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday [June 12] evening the Life Education van got lit on fire. The carpet burnt. Some of the roof came down. I am sad and angry. A 17-year-old lit it and he smashed a window and got in the van and started the fire. Harold and Michael are upset. He was so sad and sort of angry.
Katelyn, Room 8
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday [June 12] a stupid 17 year old teenager set the Life Education van on fire at Brookfield Primary School. It was such a waste of money. Now Brookfield Primary School children miss out because of the person's silly behaviour. I feel sad because we didn't get our second part about "Friends". I don't think anyone would want to be the arsonist's friend because of what he did. He does not have any qualities of a friend at all
Yours sincerely
Ririnui, Room 8