These are the people who have most to lose from the council's preferred option.
People who own property at Waihi Beach but are on the electoral roll at their principal residence can register for the "Ratepayers Roll" in WBOP District.
Only one person per property is able to register. We urge one person from each non-resident household to register so you can have a say at the local body elections. Contact the Returning Officer at WBOPDC.
Keith Hay
Secretary, Katikati – Waihi Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association
Anzac Day services
Throughout New Zealand and Australia special Anzac services are held to honour the men and women who fought to ensure that we can enjoy freedoms today in our democracy.
The Memorial Park Anzac Service was, as usual, well supported by the very young and timeless people including a 102-year-old veteran.
We Western Bay councillors are privileged to be able to attend services throughout the sub region, from Waihī Beach to Maketū.
After Memorial Park I attended the service organised by the navy at the Pyes Pa cemetery.
It is very special because so many of our loved ones are buried there. This year there was great confusion about the starting time, which should always be 10.30am. Many people gave up and went home but as usual it was lovely.
Thanks to Elliot's Funeral Services which gave everyone who attended Anzac biscuits as well as the poppies.
I love this service as my husband Douglas is buried there along with many other returned service men and women, their families attend and it will always be a very special place and 10.30am it should start. Lest We Forget.
Margaret Murray-Benge
Congestion on roads
I am now firmly of the opinion that the Tauranga City Council is determined to make life as difficult as possible for motorists.
We have the Greerton and Welcome Bay debacle (Welcome Bay still being a nightmare every morning with nothing being done after nearly seven months), but now the council is reducing the approach to the roundabout at the top of Waihi Rd down to one lane - why?
It has also allowed a housing development by the water alongside State Highway 29A between Welcome Bay and Ohauiti roundabouts.
This area currently has a left hand only exit. Will this remain when the houses are built or will there be yet another roundabout on this already congested stretch of road? When will the council apply some "joined up thinking"?
Steve Porter
Welcome Bay
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