In my view, this council, as an organisation, does not want to take responsibility.
It talks about heath and safety but the whole track is a hazard, with trees overhanging the track. They to could fall down at any time.
It has had more than enough time, spent enough money and research to make it happen. (Abridged)
L Goble
Plea for road safety
As a heavy vehicle driver, in a fast-growing urban area I make a plea to all parents and care givers of infant children.
Please think.
You load your young ones into the car behind the drivers seat, doubtless because when you step out of the house the car is easier to access from that side.
Please consider.
When you park the car you are opening the rear door in the path of oncoming vehicles.
You open that door, reach in, release the infant, take a step back to give yourself room to close the car door, take an extra step back and where are you? Right in the way of oncoming traffic.
It takes some time to stop a 10-tonne vehicle, which does not have the manoeuvrability of a car.
I do not want the death of an infant and or caregiver, despite my innocence, on my conscience for the rest of my life.
Don't be selfish
Please think.
A D Kirby
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