First, I would like to congratulate Mayor Greg Brownless for his article (Opinion, May 1). This is a good start to a conversation we need to have about transport in Tauranga. Did you know our average vehicle occupancy is just 1.1 people per vehicle? It is probably
Letters: Councillors have power to change driver behaviour
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Early morning traffic on Turret Rd. Photo/George Novak
Nigel D'Ath
Waihi Beach
Road transportation model flawed
Recent suggestions for Tauranga and the regional transport solutions include a Kaimai road tunnel, multi-lane freeways, bus transfer stations, motorways and bypasses.
Noticeably all are roading based, with associated problems of congestion, accidents, high costs of maintenance, continuous pollution and inefficiency.
Overwhelming evidence proves this road transportation model is flawed, so why are authorities politicians and planners irresponsibly still pursuing this dead end?
Simple answer, in my view, politics, profits, plus other reasons.
Realising rails efficiency and ultimate freight dependence for Port of Tauranga, they are very reluctant to lose their monopoly, which seems obviously threatened by passenger rail.
However, the railways constructed as a public asset must develop for sustainable passenger rail transport. In reality, there is no time for delay as Earth's destabilisation will eventually force the direction regardless and irrespective of profits.
Essentially, all life requires a healthy habitable planet to survive and we have only our wonderful Earth.
Jos Nagels
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