Mike Baker
Rates rise backed - on one condition
As a rate-paying resident of Tauranga (Mount Maunganui actually but we won't argue the toss), I am very supportive of the rates rise on the proviso the promised infrastructure and amenities are updated and modernised.
Why not a fit-for-purpose museum tossed in for good measure Tenby?
Just saying.
Jane Daniell
Mount Maunganui
Council administration out of control
I find the proposed increase is just a continuation of unacceptable local body developments.
In the early 1980s I was a city councillor in an Auckland city paid $9 a meeting if I turned up.
We all had full-time jobs so the meetings were all held after hours and were short, sharp and productive.
Prior to the last elections, I was a community board member in Rotorua paid $5000 per annum plus expenses.
Rotorua councillors had a basic pay of $42,000 per annum plus expenses.
Then, meetings went on for hours and there was a constant stream to the food and drink table by both councillors and staff.
After the meetings councillors retired to another room where more food and alcohol was available.
The Rotorua council employed more than 500 then and the pay rates were significant. It just seems as though all councils' administration has got completely out of control and is a cost that needs to be strongly vetted to see where significant savings can be made.
It is too easy just to increase rates when there is no ceiling, just hit the ratepayers. That is too easy and couldn't be done if running a business.
John Dyer
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