The Tauranga City Council is trying to fly under the radar, in my view, with this levy stuff – why didn't TCC just include in general rates increase - reason because people see issues immediately. The way forward, 40 per cent less council staff, less wasteful overpriced projects, zilch "nice to haves" nonsense and more transparency and accountability. Fiascos with City Centre rebuild, Phoenix Park, consultancies on libraries, museums, stadiums, plus topping up Waitangi settlements – all lead to higher debt.
What concerns Tauranga citizens are the basic rights of life, good water, sewage, stormwater, transport, electricity and rubbish collections. Since 2007, there have been serious financial issues, and now the likes of Bella Vista and so forth inspire no confidence. Local Government commissioners need to be appointed post haste. As for keeping within the debt ceiling level, this is claptrap since many of us maintain debt level breached years ago continues unabated.
As they say, you can hide many sins, but you cannot hide debt and rates. (Abridged)
S Paterson