Pā were normally located in good defensive positions and because there were no mammals in New Zealand, human captives were often eaten after conflict between tribes.
Cook introduced pigs and maize and gave them to Māori in Queen Charlotte Sound so that he could re-provision his ships there in the future.
He also charted the New Zealand coast and drew detailed and accurate maps and wrote about the Māori people. His contribution to New Zealand was significant.
David Sykes
Recycling charges
Ann and Basil Graeme write (Letters, May 25) that everybody should pay for council recycling even if you don't need it or want it.
There are only two systems, user pays or somebody else pays.
What the Graemes are wanting, in my view, is for people to be subsidised by those who wish to make their own arrangements.
My main concern though is that the council is planning to charge around $275 per annum.
I pay for my recycling bin at $85.77 per annum. Is it that the council lacks negotiating skills or is it planning on using kerbside recycling as an opportunity to charge more than cost and so obtain a hidden revenue stream? (Abridged)
Richard Prince
Welcome Bay
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