Now it's global warming's turn. But never have the stakes been so high. This time its our planetary home's future that is at risk if we give credence to such deniers and fail to reduce modern society's generation of greenhouse gases.
Eddie Orsulich, Otumoetai
Parking problems
Regarding the article about parking on berms, Arundel St is also used by commuters seeking free all-day-parking. Our berms are messy because of vehicle damage and many have no grass and are dusty when it's windy and muddy when it's wet.
The main issue is that all-day-parking creates a huge problem for residents: narrow berms cause car encroachment on footpaths; no visitor parking for street residents (some elderly); and scary reduced vision for those negotiating their own driveways.
Problems are compounded at Tauranga Primary School start and finish times when parents need short-term parking to drop off and collect children.
At these times there are many cars stopping in the street, as well as school buses - whose bus park is too narrow.
We have no problem with parents parking for short times, or with those parking in our street for the Saturday Farmers Market. The issue is with the council which said it would act on the berm parking issue but has seemingly reneged.
Message to the council: Your parking buildings and bus service obviously need to be incentivised. Give us back our residential streets by addressing the berm parking problem for all the streets concerned.
Catherine Pattison, Tauranga
Left in the cold
What does it take to heat a pool? That is what all of us early risers have been asking staff at the Greerton Pool at 6am every weekday morning since well before Christmas.
It is now February and we are still none the wiser why we are paying money to be in a very tepid pool when it is advertised as heated.
Why is it that when the council tenders our many facilities the wheels fall off?
We don't ask for much, but we pay our rates and pay for the privilege of using the pool, so why can't they heat the thing properly.
It used to be great, but now we get goosebumps and have to exercise at a very rapid pace to try to keep warm. It would be nice to have an answer, instead of the usual silence.
Jennifer Watson, Greerton
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