Eels, like this one pictured, were found dead in a stormwater pond in the Bethlehem area. Photo / File
Eels, like this one pictured, were found dead in a stormwater pond in the Bethlehem area. Photo / File
Wet weather is believed to have played a part in the discovery of a large number of eels found dead in a Tauranga stormwater pond.
The Tauranga City Council is investigating alongside Bay of Plenty Regional Council and said the deaths are understood to have happened as a result of heavy rain washing pollutants into the stormwater network.
City waters acting manager Peter Bahrs said chemicals used to clean the exteriors of houses or runoff from newly prepared concrete, such as driveways, were the likely pollutants.
"It is a timely reminder to think about what products you use outside around the house and how these could flow into our waterways with heavy rain."
Tauranga South Garden Club member Joan Melcouronne said gardens really suffered over the dry period and although the rain had freshened things up, the city could do with much more.
Federated Farmers Bay of Plenty president Darryl Jensen said the gentle rain over the weekend was "just what the doctor ordered".
Jensen said his farm on Paengaroa got a good 30 millimetres of rain, as many farms around the Bay of Plenty received at least 20mm.
Although the rain managed to "break the dry period", farmers are now relying on follow-up rain to get things moving again, he said.
"If the hot and dry spell starts again, we could be back to where we started in just over a week."
However, the forecast could be looking that way.
According to MetService, near to no rainfall is forecasted for the next 10 days, with temperatures sitting in the 23C to 26C range.
Meteorologist Mark Bowe said a brisk, cold southerly was sweeping across the North Island. Temperatures were expected to recover today, with a sunny and warm week ahead.
Karen Mulholland (left) and Sandee Peddie have been caring for the plants at Decor Gardenworld over the dry spell. Photo / George Novak
A Western Bay of Plenty Council spokeswoman said water use had reduced as temperatures have fallen.
The rain was welcomed and made a nice difference from the hot dry weather, she said.
A Tauranga City Council spokesperson said water use dropped over the weekend with fewer people watering their gardens, however, with dry weather expected in the week ahead, the dry spell is not over and restrictions remain in place.
Today : Fine, high of 23C. Tomorrow : Cloudy periods with light winds, high of 24C. Thursday: Fine, with a chance of an early shower, high of 25C. Friday: Mainly fine, high of 22C.