It has been a busy time for Katikati Community Board in preparing the submission for the annual plan and then presenting this to Western Bay of Plenty District Council.
The annual plan submission took the community plan and annual plan developed by the last triennium and drilled down to specific requirements. There have been a number of other issues community board members have been addressing, from elder housing and bus shelters, to concreting of the walkway and individual requests within the community.
The annual plan from Katikati Community Board is based on renewal, rejuvenation and resilience — the three Rs. It is also based on the equity of spend between the wards so the Katikati-Waihi Beach ward receives an equitable amount of the rates. We do not want to be on the fringe as shown in the Tauranga Moana Infrastructure map recently published. We also support the efficiency of spend so that rates are contained.
In gathering community feedback, there was a clear message that rates should not be increased by more than 4 per cent, if not this will have a significant impact on households. The 4 per cent would be in line with the long-term plan and pre-election report just seven months ago. The present proposal is 7.4 per cent.