Tauranga faces a fight to keep the V8 Jetsprints with some of New Zealand's largest cities poised to poach it after the Bay's success.
The world-first Jetsprints event, which saw ASB Baypark stadium transformed into a network of water-filled channels, attracted a 15,000 crowd, boosting the local economy and shining a global spotlight on Tauranga.
But now cities including Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch want a look-in, with organisers saying they need support to ensure another centre doesn't steal the sprints.
The Jetsprints warning came as the city council decided to add $382,000 to its draft events budget - including asking ratepayers for $152,000 to boost the number of fulltime events staff back to close to where it was before the council was restructured 14 months ago.
Tauranga Mayor Stuart Crosby said if the Jetsprints wanted to return to Tauranga, the council would entertain the idea but there had been no request by the organisers or Bay Leisure and Events.