I have a grandchild whose second language is Swedish, and there are about 10 children in her school alone who are the same.
Let's be sensible here. Why should the majority be forced to learn the language of a minority race in this country?
P M HUNT, Tauranga
Plan applauded
I have heard much talk in the last couple of days about the National government's plan to offer free contraception to beneficiaries and their daughters.
I even heard Sue Bradford calling it beneficiary-bashing and even more dramatically she also called it eugenics.
I call it common sense and a great idea!
It is obviously being aimed at those who see breeding on a benefit as a lifestyle choice - the generational beneficiaries.
As many of them do not declare who the father/s of their children are, yet another generation of dependents upon the state is born and as always, it is solely paid for by those of us who work! The drop-kick dads do not pay any maintenance because they are deliberately not named.
This is not targeting solo mothers on a benefit because of a marriage break-down as their former husbands pay maintenance.
I say, bring it on, and the sooner, the better!
Robin Bishop, Pyes Pa
Insensitive words
As a parent who has experienced the loss of a child, I find Richard Moore's article (May 8) insensitive.
I often enjoy Richard's comments but occasionally he steps over the fine line between being challenging and insensitive.
Richard has questioned the responsibility of parents and is making a point without knowing the facts, it is dangerous to make assumptions.
Richard's article is grammatically correct, however, when I read the article, it comes across in the context of being critical of the parents.
Do we know what happened? Has a coroner's inquiry taken place? Who was responsible? This has not yet been determined by police and a coroner's inquiry.
Please do not create a 'court of public opinion" before the facts are known.
R Brown, Papamoa
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